Listed below are our most asked questions. If you still have a question, please feel free to email one of the following
General Info: [email protected]
If you have any team questions or concerns regarding schedules or game times, please contact your coach or team mom.
Listed below are our most asked questions. If you still have a question, please feel free to email one of the following
General Info: [email protected]
If you have any team questions or concerns regarding schedules or game times, please contact your coach or team mom.
Q: When does Football & Cheer practice start?
A: The first day of Football and Cheer practice/condition TBA.
Q: Is there anything I need to provide for my child in football?
A: Integrated practice pants, cleats and a water bottle. AYFL will provide the helmet, mouthpiece, shoulder pads, one pair of orange socks, a practice jersey, and the player's game jersey/pants. All items must be returned at the end of the season, minus the game jersey/pants, socks, and mouthpiece. Big Five, Sports Authority, and Dicks Sporting Goods store have an excellent selection.
Q: Our Family will be on vacation during Conditioning week, what do we do?
A: CCYFL requires that all athletes have a minimum 10 hours of conditioning before beginning full contact practice. Notify the coaches of your circumstance and special conditioning practice will be arranged. Only 10 hours of conditioning are required, but it strongly encouraged for players to attend as many days as possible.
Q: What if I am unable to attend a registration date?
A: email registration forms and a copy of ALL required documents to: [email protected]. AYFL wants to make sure everyone that eligible is able to participate.
Q: What do I need to register?
A: Registration paperwork, 2x2 Photo of player, COPY of your child's Birth Certificate, COPY of current report card and COPY of one proof of residence (utility bill that shows current usage with a physical address noted on it, Copy of Driver's license, voter registration, Federal or State records, Child Support Payment records, Homeowner or Tenant records, Financial records, Insurance records, Military records, Internet or Cable records, or DMV records.), and registration fees.
Q: Are there scholarships available?
A: Yes, the City of Atascadero does offer scholarships to those families who qualify. Please apply in person at the Atascadero Rec Center, 5599 Traffic Way, Atascadero. There's a copy of the updated form under the registration page. We have heard this is a very easy process.
Q: I am interested in being a Coach (or Assistant Coach) what is involved and what do I need to do?
A: Complete a coaches application and Coaches ethics form, which can be found on the Coaching Information part of the website. You may either email them to [email protected] or bring them to a registration date. The sooner this is completed and turned in, the better. There are oftentimes coaching clinics offered throughout the off season.
Q: I am interested in coaching, but I am not sure if my schedule will allow me to be available for every practice. Am I still eligible?
A: Yes, you will still be eligible for a coaching role. Please come to a registration night, reach out to a board member, or email [email protected] to setup a time to discuss coaching options.
Q: How do we get my child's physical form completed?
A: Download a Physical form or pick one up at registration. Make an appointment with your pediatrician or a Med Stop/Urgent care for a "Sports Physical". Most pediatrician's will complete the physical form without an appointment as long as your child has had a physical within the year.
Q: What if my child misses the weight certification, what do we do?
A: If your child misses the weight certification, your child will have to weigh in the morning of the jamboree and the morning of the second season game.
Q: How long does the football season last?
A: Regular season starts at the end of July and runs through mid October.
Q:What is conditioning?
A: Conditioning is held first two weeks of football practice and its purpose is to teach your player the fundamentals of football and prepare them for the football season. Conditioning will start the end of July. Monday through Friday 5pm-7pm. Player MUST arrive early for the check in process, as they have to be on the field ready for practice BY 5pm. It is not mandatory for your player to be there all 10 days of conditioning, but it is in their best interest to prepare them for the season. Your player is required to log a minimum of 10 hours before they will be issued and allowed to wear pads.
Q: Where is conditioning week and practices held?
A: San Gabriel Elementary School lower field.
Q:What does my player need for conditioning?
A:Your player should wear exercise shorts/shirt and bring a water bottle. It is very hot in the July and August months, and we don't want our children getting overheated or dehydrated.
Q:What must parents provide for their players?
A:Parents must provide their player with football cleats, integrated football pants for practices, and water bottle for every practice.
Q:How can I help prepare my player for conditioning week, games, or for practice?
A:Your player should eat balanced meals with protein and carbs the night before and throughout the day, not a huge meal right before practice. Have them avoid sugary food and drinks.
Q:How much water does my player need?
A:It is recommended that a child should drink a minimum of 8 to 11 cups of water on a normal day. For kids who play sports, are exercising vigorously, or if it's very hot outside; they'll need more liquids to make up for what their bodies are losing to perspiration.
Q:What is equipment check out, and what equipment is provided by AYFL?
A:Equipment checkout will happen after the conditioning weeks have started. It is an organized/scheduled event where your player will need to be accompanied by his/her parent or guardian in order to receive shoulder pads, helmet, and equipment. He/she will not receive their equipment without a guardian over 18 years of age. It is necessary for your child to have all of his equipment in order to participate in practice and play the game. All equipment needs to be tried on and fitted correctly in order to participate. AYFL checks-out the following gear to each player: helmet/chin strap, shoulder pads, mouth piece, socks, equipment bag. Game day jersey and game day integrated pants, mouth piece, and socks are all for the player to keep, remaining equipment must be turned in or parent/guardian will be financially responsible for outstanding equipment. Equipment WILL NOT BE given to a player who has outstanding equipment balance from previous seasons.
Q:Who do I contact if my players equipment does not fit?
A:Please notify your coach.
Q:When are practices held?
A:The head coach of your team will determine practice schedules. After conditioning weeks, your child’s coach will announce when practices will be. All practices will be held at San Gabriel elementary school. Practice will run for 2 hours and will be 3-4 days a week, depending on which division they play in.
Q:How can I volunteer?
A:Email [email protected] or attend a board meeting. Meetings are held at the Atascadero Library. Please reach out for the next scheduled board meeting.
Q:What are parent responsibilities?
A:Parents are expected to bring their child to practices and games on time. Parents are not expected to stay during practice time, but can if they want. It is encouraged for all parents to volunteer to work the concession stand for one hour at a home game during each season (doesn't have to be during your child's game). Parents MUST pick children up from practice/games on time. Parents and guests must follow the Parent’s Ethics signed during registration. There are NO exceptions.
Q:How can I be a good fan?
A:Be positive, encourage all the players (not just yours) and coaches. It's a good idea to be appreciative of the referees as well (They are all either ex football parents like yourselves or ex football players). Cheer from outside of the box; in the stands. The sideline is exclusively for players, coaches, and line crew only.
Q:When and where will games be held?
A:Games (regular season) will be every Saturday for nine weeks. Your player could play anywhere from Paso Robles to as far down as Santa Ynez. Your player will have one bye week during the season.
Q:When will we get our player’s game schedule?
A:The schedule is released by CCYFL by mid August. Your coach and/or team Mom will hand this out plus it'll be published on our social media sites.
Q:What is a restricted player?
A:Restricted players will be marked with a yellow stripe on the top of their helmet. They may not be a ball carrier. With the following exception, a yellow stripped player may return an unintentional loose ball such as a fumble, or interception (i.e. fullback, tailback, quarterback, receiver, tight end, tackle eligible, kick return, kick off, etc.). A restricted player must play in a tackle to tackle position. A restricted player on defense must make forward contact with an offensive lineman prior to moving backward in a linebacker position.
Q: When does Football & Cheer practice start?
A: The first day of Football and Cheer practice/condition TBA.
Q: Is there anything I need to provide for my child in football?
A: Integrated practice pants, cleats and a water bottle. AYFL will provide the helmet, mouthpiece, shoulder pads, one pair of orange socks, a practice jersey, and the player's game jersey/pants. All items must be returned at the end of the season, minus the game jersey/pants, socks, and mouthpiece. Big Five, Sports Authority, and Dicks Sporting Goods store have an excellent selection.
Q: Our Family will be on vacation during Conditioning week, what do we do?
A: CCYFL requires that all athletes have a minimum 10 hours of conditioning before beginning full contact practice. Notify the coaches of your circumstance and special conditioning practice will be arranged. Only 10 hours of conditioning are required, but it strongly encouraged for players to attend as many days as possible.
Q: What if I am unable to attend a registration date?
A: email registration forms and a copy of ALL required documents to: [email protected]. AYFL wants to make sure everyone that eligible is able to participate.
Q: What do I need to register?
A: Registration paperwork, 2x2 Photo of player, COPY of your child's Birth Certificate, COPY of current report card and COPY of one proof of residence (utility bill that shows current usage with a physical address noted on it, Copy of Driver's license, voter registration, Federal or State records, Child Support Payment records, Homeowner or Tenant records, Financial records, Insurance records, Military records, Internet or Cable records, or DMV records.), and registration fees.
Q: Are there scholarships available?
A: Yes, the City of Atascadero does offer scholarships to those families who qualify. Please apply in person at the Atascadero Rec Center, 5599 Traffic Way, Atascadero. There's a copy of the updated form under the registration page. We have heard this is a very easy process.
Q: I am interested in being a Coach (or Assistant Coach) what is involved and what do I need to do?
A: Complete a coaches application and Coaches ethics form, which can be found on the Coaching Information part of the website. You may either email them to [email protected] or bring them to a registration date. The sooner this is completed and turned in, the better. There are oftentimes coaching clinics offered throughout the off season.
Q: I am interested in coaching, but I am not sure if my schedule will allow me to be available for every practice. Am I still eligible?
A: Yes, you will still be eligible for a coaching role. Please come to a registration night, reach out to a board member, or email [email protected] to setup a time to discuss coaching options.
Q: How do we get my child's physical form completed?
A: Download a Physical form or pick one up at registration. Make an appointment with your pediatrician or a Med Stop/Urgent care for a "Sports Physical". Most pediatrician's will complete the physical form without an appointment as long as your child has had a physical within the year.
Q: What if my child misses the weight certification, what do we do?
A: If your child misses the weight certification, your child will have to weigh in the morning of the jamboree and the morning of the second season game.
Q: How long does the football season last?
A: Regular season starts at the end of July and runs through mid October.
Q:What is conditioning?
A: Conditioning is held first two weeks of football practice and its purpose is to teach your player the fundamentals of football and prepare them for the football season. Conditioning will start the end of July. Monday through Friday 5pm-7pm. Player MUST arrive early for the check in process, as they have to be on the field ready for practice BY 5pm. It is not mandatory for your player to be there all 10 days of conditioning, but it is in their best interest to prepare them for the season. Your player is required to log a minimum of 10 hours before they will be issued and allowed to wear pads.
Q: Where is conditioning week and practices held?
A: San Gabriel Elementary School lower field.
Q:What does my player need for conditioning?
A:Your player should wear exercise shorts/shirt and bring a water bottle. It is very hot in the July and August months, and we don't want our children getting overheated or dehydrated.
Q:What must parents provide for their players?
A:Parents must provide their player with football cleats, integrated football pants for practices, and water bottle for every practice.
Q:How can I help prepare my player for conditioning week, games, or for practice?
A:Your player should eat balanced meals with protein and carbs the night before and throughout the day, not a huge meal right before practice. Have them avoid sugary food and drinks.
Q:How much water does my player need?
A:It is recommended that a child should drink a minimum of 8 to 11 cups of water on a normal day. For kids who play sports, are exercising vigorously, or if it's very hot outside; they'll need more liquids to make up for what their bodies are losing to perspiration.
Q:What is equipment check out, and what equipment is provided by AYFL?
A:Equipment checkout will happen after the conditioning weeks have started. It is an organized/scheduled event where your player will need to be accompanied by his/her parent or guardian in order to receive shoulder pads, helmet, and equipment. He/she will not receive their equipment without a guardian over 18 years of age. It is necessary for your child to have all of his equipment in order to participate in practice and play the game. All equipment needs to be tried on and fitted correctly in order to participate. AYFL checks-out the following gear to each player: helmet/chin strap, shoulder pads, mouth piece, socks, equipment bag. Game day jersey and game day integrated pants, mouth piece, and socks are all for the player to keep, remaining equipment must be turned in or parent/guardian will be financially responsible for outstanding equipment. Equipment WILL NOT BE given to a player who has outstanding equipment balance from previous seasons.
Q:Who do I contact if my players equipment does not fit?
A:Please notify your coach.
Q:When are practices held?
A:The head coach of your team will determine practice schedules. After conditioning weeks, your child’s coach will announce when practices will be. All practices will be held at San Gabriel elementary school. Practice will run for 2 hours and will be 3-4 days a week, depending on which division they play in.
Q:How can I volunteer?
A:Email [email protected] or attend a board meeting. Meetings are held at the Atascadero Library. Please reach out for the next scheduled board meeting.
Q:What are parent responsibilities?
A:Parents are expected to bring their child to practices and games on time. Parents are not expected to stay during practice time, but can if they want. It is encouraged for all parents to volunteer to work the concession stand for one hour at a home game during each season (doesn't have to be during your child's game). Parents MUST pick children up from practice/games on time. Parents and guests must follow the Parent’s Ethics signed during registration. There are NO exceptions.
Q:How can I be a good fan?
A:Be positive, encourage all the players (not just yours) and coaches. It's a good idea to be appreciative of the referees as well (They are all either ex football parents like yourselves or ex football players). Cheer from outside of the box; in the stands. The sideline is exclusively for players, coaches, and line crew only.
Q:When and where will games be held?
A:Games (regular season) will be every Saturday for nine weeks. Your player could play anywhere from Paso Robles to as far down as Santa Ynez. Your player will have one bye week during the season.
Q:When will we get our player’s game schedule?
A:The schedule is released by CCYFL by mid August. Your coach and/or team Mom will hand this out plus it'll be published on our social media sites.
Q:What is a restricted player?
A:Restricted players will be marked with a yellow stripe on the top of their helmet. They may not be a ball carrier. With the following exception, a yellow stripped player may return an unintentional loose ball such as a fumble, or interception (i.e. fullback, tailback, quarterback, receiver, tight end, tackle eligible, kick return, kick off, etc.). A restricted player must play in a tackle to tackle position. A restricted player on defense must make forward contact with an offensive lineman prior to moving backward in a linebacker position.